The French translation for "Future of our Pasts" is now available

The "Future of our Pasts" report highlights the ways in which key cultural heritage considerations intersect with the ambitions of the Paris Agreement, including an increased commitment to climate change mitigation, greenhouse gas mitigation, adaptive capacity building and loss and damage planning. 

The report was prepared under the scientific direction of the ICOMOS Working Group on Climate Change and Heritage, coordinated by Andrew Potts.

This report is now available in French under the title "L'Avenir de notre Passé: Engager le patrimoine culturel dans l'action pour le climat" and is available for download on the ICOMOS Open Archive.

On Tuesday 4 May 2021, the members of the ICOMOS Working Group on Climate Change and Heritage met virtually to celebrate the French translation of the publication and were joined by Valérie Masson-Delmotte, climatologist and co-chair of the IPCC Working Group I and Bruno Favel, from the French Ministry of Culture.

FOOP FR Zoom celebration


See also:

Picto doigtDownload the report in French and in English

Picto doigtICOMOS work on Climate change


- Report cover © ICOMOS
- Celebration via Zoom © ICOMOS

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