Questionnaire on Reconstruction

LOGO FOcus SIte WebPost trauma reconstruction after civil and armed conflict or due to natural catastrophes, or reconstruction of places that have been destroyed by redevelopment pressures have always been a fundamental concern to heritage practitioners.

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Watch the 40th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee live

The 40th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee is taking place in Istanbul, Turkey from 10-20 July 2016.

ICOMOS is an Advisory Body of the World Heritage Committee for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention of UNESCO. As such, it reviews the nominations of cultural world heritage and ensures the conservation status of properties.

Election of the Permanent Council of the new ICOMOS National Committee in the Russian Federation

Press Release - 4 July 2016 

St Petersburg Flickr Jane Drumsara 05072016

On 29 June 2016, the new ICOMOS National Committee in the Russian Federation held its General Conference in the World Heritage historic centre of Saint Petersburg. The General Conference was attended by 47 delegates from 12 regions in the Russian Federation, representing 246 individual members. The previous National Committee had seen its international accreditation withdrawn in 2014.

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