ICOMOS e-News n° 87: Scientific Council & International Scientific Committee
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e-News n°87 7 novembre 2024 |
News from the Scientific Council and International Scientific Committee 2013 Symposium - Call for AbstractsThe Scientific Council (SC) is making preparations for its next Scientific Symposium, taking place on the occasion of the 2013 Advisory Committee meeting in San José, Costa Rica on 10 October, under the three-year theme of “Tangible Risks, Intangible Opportunities: Long-Term Risk Preparedness and Responses for Threats to Cultural Heritage”. The 2013 Symposium is being led by co-chairs Sofia Avgerinou-Kolonias (CIVVIH – Historic Cities and Villages President) and Gisle Jakhelln (CIAV – Vernacular Architecture President) and is entitled “Reducing Risks to Cultural Heritage from Uncontrolled Development in a Globalised World”. Download the call for abstracts – deadline 15 April 2013. Scientific Council ElectionsThe Scientific Council met at the Advisory Committee meeting in Beijing on 29 October 2012. During the meeting, elections were held for SC officers. Sofia Avgerinou-Kolonias (CIVVIH – Historic Cities and Villages President) and Pamela Jerome (ISCEAH – Earthen Architectural Heritage Vice President) were reelected for a third and final term. James Reap (ICLAFI – Legal, Administrative and Financial Issues Secretary-General) was elected for a first term, replacing Stephen Kelley (ISCARSAH – Structures of Architectural Heritage President). James Reap is not new to the Scientific Council; he was a co-opted member of the SC Bureau in its earliest stages. We are greatly appreciative of Stephen Kelley’s tenure and thank him for his service on the SC. We welcome James Reap. ISC on Energy and Sustainability (ISCES)Recommendations made to the Advisory Committee and affirmed by the Executive Committee include the acceptance of a new ISC, the International Scientific Committee on Energy and Sustainability, with Peter Cox (ICOMOS Ireland) as its Acting President. Proposed statutes have been reviewed by ICLAFI and are being finalized. The working group will be asked to join as members of the new ISC. There will also shortly be a call to National Committees and International Scientific Committees to encourage nominations for membership, as the subject matter covered affects every element of ICOMOS’s work. Once a membership list has been compiled, elections will be called. ISC on Places of Religion and Ritual (ISCRR)In addition, a new ISC under formation having to do with Places of Religion and Ritual is being encouraged to continue working towards the goal of presenting themselves for official recognition at the Advisory Committee meeting of 2013. The working group is being led by Britta Rudolff of ICOMOS Bahrain. The proposed scope of work of this new ISC emphasizes the understanding, protection, conservation and management of places, which are valued as heritage predominantly for their current roles in religious and ritual contexts. The working group intends to send out a more detailed discussion paper to encourage broader participation in the second quarter of 2013. ISC on Astronomical Heritage (ISCAH)A proposal has come forward to form a joint committee between the ICOMOS and the International Union on Astronomy, emerging out of the ICOMOS–IAU Thematic Study on the “Heritage Sites of Astronomy and Archaeoastronomy”. The concept for this new ISC was proposed in Beijing and the SC recommended that the working group, currently consisting of Michel Cotte of ICOMOS France and Clive Ruggles of IAU, continue with this initiative. ICAHM (Archaeological Heritage Management) and ISC20C (20th-Century Heritage) have also agreed to participate in its formation. Symposium 2012 - ProceedingsIn Beijing, the SC with ICOMOS China organized a highly successful Scientific Symposium on 31 October 2012, the first under the three-year theme, “Tangible Risks, Intangible Opportunities: Long-Term Risk Preparedness and Responses for Threats to Cultural Heritage”. Entitled “Reducing Risks to Cultural Heritage from Natural and Human-Caused Disasters”, the co-chairs of the symposium were Rohit Jigyasu (ICORP – Risk Preparedness President) and Stephen Kelley (ISCARSAH – Structures of Architectural Heritage President). 82 abstracts were received of which 11 papers and 20 posters were presented, and an additional 13 papers were accepted for publication. ICOMOS China has secured funding for publication of the proceedings in hard copy. Amel Chabbi of the Executive Committee has agreed to act as co-editor, along with Stephen Kelley. Twentieth-Century HeritageAlso in Beijing, ISC20C (Twentieth-Century Heritage) in partnership with ICOMOS China, Beijing University of Technology and Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Shaanxi Institute of Conservation Engineering and Technology of Monuments and Sites presented an evening seminar examining current issues and case studies of twentieth-century heritage conservation during the Advisory Committee meeting in Beijing. A team of international and local speakers delivered a series of topical 15-minute presentations to a large student and practitioner audience. The Chinese translation of the ISC20C “Madrid Document: Approaches for the Conservation of Twentieth-Century Architectural Heritage”, was also launched as translated by Cheng Yang. ISC20C was pleased to receive five nominations for Chinese members of the Committee, including Prof Zhang Bing, as the China National Committee-designated voter. ICOMOS ToolkitThere was further discussion of how to engage all National Committees (NCs) and ISCs in developing the ICOMOS Toolkit concept, and a small working committee composed of Sheridan Burke, Neil Silberman, Monica Luengo, Lyse Blanchet and Pamela Jerome will take the discussions forward with ICOMOS Documentalist Lucile Smirnov. ISC ElectionsICUCH Elections CIVVIH Elections ICLAFI Elections ISCEAH Elections ReconstructionsThe frequent use of physical reconstructions (in contradiction to the spirit of the Venice Charter) and the over-commercialization of heritage sites were contentious issues of professional conservation standards that were designated for further study by ICOMOS in a resolution of the 17th General Assembly of 2011. However, neither the scale of the problem nor the (possibly changing) attitudes of heritage professionals toward the use and extent of permissible reconstructions have been reliably documented. As a first step toward arriving at a consensus on the solutions to these issues, ICIP (Interpretation and Presentation) members, with the help of interested SC and NC colleagues, intend to include questions on the frequency, extent, and authenticity of physical reconstructions in a forthcoming online survey of interpretation practices and infrastructure at heritage sites worldwide. All ISCs and NCs will be invited to offer their advice and input. It is hoped that the results of this detailed survey—to be presented at the 2014 General Assembly—will offer a clearer understanding of the present situation and a sound basis for future ICOMOS policy. ISC Events Calendar
In this issue
2013 Symposium - Call for Abstracts Scientific Council Elections ISC on Energy and Sustainability (ISCES) ISC on Places of Religion and Ritual (ISCRR) ISC on Astronomical Heritage (ISCAH) Symposium 2012 - Proceedings Twentieth-Century Heritage ICOMOS Toolkit ISC Elections Reconstructions ISC Events Calendar |
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