Monuments&Sites IV - Puebla, patrimonio de arquitectura civil del Virreinato


By Dirk Bühler


523 pages

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El marco de referencia
Los puntos de partida
El centro histórico

Historia urbana

Marco natural y climatológico
El sueño de Fray Julián Garcés y la fundación de Puebla
El siglo XVI: planeamiento, política, palacios.
El siglo XVII: ¿un siglo de oro?
El siglo XVIII: la ciudad durante el auge del barroco

Consideraciones metodológicas

El patrimonio edificado: leyes e instituciones
Inventarios de monumentos virreinales en Puebla anteriores al de l.985
La investigación documental -aclaraciones acerca del material empleado
Trabajo de campo -la recopilación de datos
Trabajo de campo -los levantamientos arquitectónicos y fotográficos
El catálogo: su presentación
El catálogo: selección y estado de conservación de los edificios analizados

La arquitectura civil

Tipos de edificios en la ciudad virreinal de Puebla
Materiales de construcción
Procesos de construcción

Anatomía de los edificios privados

Fachadas -sus componentes
Fachadas -pautas de desarrollo
Portales y zaguanes
Fachadas -sección de illustraciones
Patios -las formas
Patios -las pautas de desarrollo
Escaleras y pasillos
Espacios arquitectónicos
La casa poblana durante el virreinato
Patios -sección de illustraciones

Monografías de edificios




Los cuestionarios
Cuadros sinópticos
Inventario completo de 1985
Plano con inventario

Monuments&Sites III - The polychromy of antique sculptures and the Terracotta Army of the FIrst Chinese Emperor

 m-and-s3Eng. - Chi.

Edited by
Wu Yongqi, Zhang Tinghao, Michael Petzet,
Erwin Emmerling and Catharina Blänsdorf.


183 pages

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- Preface

- Michael Petzet, Introduction

- Yuan Zhongyi, The costume colours of Qin Terracotta Warriors

- Erwin Emmerling, Aims and results of the Chinese-German Project for the preservation of the Terracotta Army

- Zhang Zhijun, Review of the Conservation of the polychromy of the Terracotta Army

- Zhou TieNew developments in the conservation of the polychromy of the Terracotta Army

- Christoph Herm, Methods in organic archaeometry and their application to the Terracotta Army

- Ingo Rogner, New methods to characterise and to consolidate the polychrome Qi-Lacquer of the Terracotta Army

- Cristina Thieme, Paint layers and pigments on the Terracotta Army: a comparison with other cultures of antiquity

- Cheng Derun and Guo Baofa, The polychromy of the Bronze chariots from the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang

- Hans van Ess, Symbolism and meaning of colours in early Chinese sources

- Jiang Caipin, Painting technique in Ancient China

- Petra Rösch, Colour schemes on wooden Guanyin sculptures of the 11th to 13th centuries, with special reference to the Amsterdam Guanyin and its Cut Gold-foil Application on a polychrome ground

- Sylvie Colinart and Sandrine Pagès-Camagna, Egyptian polychromy: pigments of the "Pharaonic Palette"

- Detlef Knipping, Le Jupiter olympien and the rediscovery of polychromy in antique sculpture: Quatremère de Quincy between empirical research and aesthetic ideals

- Vinzenz Brinkmann and Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann, Polychromy on greek scupture: the archer on the West-pediment of the Aphaia Temple, Aegina

- Lin Chunmei, The Dyeing of textiles in the warring states time

- Gao Hanyu and Kim Yinglan, Techniques to protect textile and embroidery relics

- Gao Hanyu, The Dye colours and culture on clothing in Early Qin

- Zhao Feng, The five colours polychrome silks with cloud pattern from Han Dynasty to Wei period

- Birgitt Borkopp, Late antique and early medieval textiles and costume and their representations in varios media

- Qiao Shiguang, Qi-Lacquer - Techniques and art

- Hans-Georg Wiedemann and Heinz Berke, Chemical and physical investigations of Egyptian and Chinese blue and purple

- Shang Zongyan, Zhang Jizu and Li Rujuan, The Chinese Lacquer Tree and its use

- Li Zuixiong, coloured clay sculptures and their protection at Mo Kao Grotto at Dunhuang

- Lu Shoulin, The polychrome works in the Palace Museum and their preservation

- Authors

Monuments&Sites II - The Terracota Army of the first Chinese emperor qin Shihuang / Die Terrakottaarmee des Ersten Chinesischen Kaisers

By Catharina Blänsdorf, Erwin Emmerling, Michael Petzet, ed.



772 pages 


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Introduction (Michael Petzet/Zhang Tinghao) 

Archaeology and Art History
-Archaeological Team for the Excavation of the Terracotta Ar my, Archaeological Institute of the Shaanxi Province
- The Terracotta Warriors and Horses from the Mausoleum of the First Heavenly Emperor Qin Shihuang
- Report on the Excavation ofPit No.1, 1974-1984
Yuan Zhongyi
- Hairstyles, Armour and C1othing of the Terracotta Army 
Lothar Ledderose
- The Magic Army of the First Emperor
Wu Yongqi
- The Museum of the Terracotta Army: Presenting the 'Eighth Wonder of the Wor1d'

Techniques and Materials of the Polychromy 
Cristina Thieme, Erwin Emmerling
- On the Polychromy of the Terracotta Army 
Christoph Herm
- Analysis of Painting Materials

East Asian Lacquer 
Rüdiger Prasse
-  The Oriental Lacquer Tree Toxicodendron vernicifluum (Stokes) Barkley
Zhang Jizu, Shang Zongyan, Li Rujuan
-  On the Origin of the Lacquer on the Warriors of the Terracotta Army of the First Emperor Qin Shihuang
Lin Chunmei
-  Lacquer and its Use on Terracotta in Early China
Cristina Thieme
-  East Asian Lacquer. The Ground Layer for the Polychromy on the Terracotta Army
Ulrike Ring
-  Chemical Analysis of East Asian Lacquer (Qi-Lacquer)
Stefan Simon, Zhang Zhijun, Zhou Tie, Christoph Herm
-  Scientific Investigations of the Ground Layer of the Terracotta Figures
Herbert Juling
-  Electron Microscopic Investigations on the Lacquer Layers of the Terracotta Army 

Conservation of the Polychromy
Erwin Emmerling, Cristina Thieme, Zhou Tie, Zhang Zhijun
- Initial Conservation Work 1991-1995 
Stefan Simon, Zhang Zhijun, Zhou Tie
- Conservation 1995 -Test Series and Quality Control
Christoph Herm, Zhou Tie, Cristina Thieme, He Fan
- Results of Conservation Test Series 1996/97
Ingo Rogner; Heinz Langhals, Zhou Tie, Zhang Zhijun, Rong Bo, Catharina Blänsdorf, Christoph Herm
- Consolidation and Preservation of the Polychrome Qi-lacquer Layers of the Terracotta Army of Qin Shihuang by Treatment with Methacrylic Monomers and Electron Beam Curing 
Cristina Thieme, Christoph Herm
- Catalogue of Fragments, 1991-1996
Catharina Blänsdorf
- Catalogue of Fragments, 1998-1999

Preservation of the Pits
Stefan Simon, Zhang Zhijun, Zhou Tie
- Analyses of Soil and Wood
Yan Sumei, Zhou Tie
- Investigations on Microbial Activity in the Pits of the Terracotta Army of Qin Shihuang
- A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Various Biocides
Thomas Warscheid, Curt Rudolph
- Microbiological Examinations for the Preservation of Chinese Polychromy from the Qin-and Han-Dynasty

Catharina Bliinsdorj; Erwin Emmerling, Christoph Herm, Lin Chunmei
Calendar of Events, 1990-1999





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