Call for Comments on 'Cherishing heritage. Quality principles for interventions on cultural heritage'

Venice flickr publicdomainThe conference "Cherishing heritage. Quality principles for interventions on cultural heritage", organised by the European Commission in cooperation with ICOMOS, was held in Venice, Italy on 22-23 November 2018.

The Conference built on the work of a group of experts set up by ICOMOS under mandate of the European Commission. Its objective is to provide guidance on quality principles for EU-funded interventions with an impact on cultural heritage. This is a key event of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, organised in the framework of the European Initiative n.6, “Cherishing heritage”.

We now invite you to send us your feedback on the document "European Quality Principles for Cultural Heritage Interventions" (click the title to download) in the Word version using track changes. Please submit your commented version to secretariat[at] by 8 December 2018.

We would like to thank the European Commission and Ca' Foscari University of Venice for a successful conference. Check the programme at this link: