ICOMOS Policy Guidance for Heritage and Development Actors now available in Arabic

SDGPolicyGuidance Arabic

The Arabic translation of the ICOMOS document Heritage and the Sustainable Development Goals: Policy Guidance for Heritage and Development Actors was officially launched on 2 September 2023 at the Sustainable Development Goals Working Group (SDGWG) Annual General Meeting, during ICOMOS' Triennial General Assembly in Sydney, Australia.

The Arabic version was an initiative of the Sustainable Development Goals Working Group (SDGWG) of the Arab region to highlight the advocacy of ICOMOS that heritage is a driver and enabler of the achievement of all the SDGs beyond Target 11.4, "Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world's cultural and natural heritage".

The translation of the Policy Guidance was an initiative to build and strengthen cooperation in the Arab region with a team of representatives from different Arab countries within the SDG Working Group (SDGWG). It was supported by HRH Princess Dana Firas, president of ICOMOS Jordan.

All the Arabic translation team members agree that translation is an utmost necessity for more inclusive and culture-sensitive policies and assures their better understanding and implementation on the ground.

Through further planned-translations, the SDGWG hopes to further spread the important message of the holistic role heritage plays in support of achieving the SDGs ambitions.

Interested parties who would like to translate the document into their own languages should contact:
Ona Vileikis, SDGWG Task Team Coordinator for Communications.


téléchargementDownload the press release: Arabic / English / French

téléchargementDownload and read the full report in Arabic


See also

Policy Guidance for Heritage and Development Actors [English]Picto doigt

Policy Guidance for Heritage and Development Actors [French]Picto doigt

Picto doigtPolicy Guidance for Heritage and Development Actors [Portuguese] 


Photo Credits: Ageleh Jmeidi and Wajd Nawafleh, two local USAID SCHEP participants at the Temple of the Winged Lions, Petra
(Credit: American Center of Research [ACOR] 2018, photo taken by Saleem Fakhoury).