Annual Advisory Committee Meeting of 2013 in Costa Rica

Press release – 8 October 2013adcom photo

The International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) wishes to announce that its Director General, Mr. Philippe Allard, will be leaving the Paris-based ICOMOS International Secretariat. During his service to ICOMOS, Mr. Allard has contributed to the strengthening of ICOMOS’s organisational capacity, a phase that began in the period of 2008-2011, and has aimed to expand the horizons of its non-profit work through new ideas and the development of the Secretariat’s capacities.

Advisory Committee opens Statutes revision for a hearing and discusses development

In its annual Advisory Committee meeting, held in San Jose, Costa Rica, ICOMOS is discussing its scientific work and has opened its third hearing cycle on amendments to the Statutes. The development strategies of the Organisation for the 2015 – 2018 triennium are under consideration by the National and International Committees.

Scientific Council meets and reflects on risks to cultural heritage

The International Committees are discussing the status and role of the Scientific Council and their contribution to the activities of the Organisation. The scientific conference will discuss the reduction of risks to cultural heritage from uncontrolled globalisation, with presentations from around the world.

The richness of Costa Rican cultural heritage in its many forms, both tangible and intangible, is celebrated in the many events arranged by the co-arrangers of the meetings, ICOMOS Costa Rica and ICOMOS Panama. ICOMOS Costa Rica celebrates its 30th anniversary this year.

ICOMOS was founded in 1965 and is the only global nongovernmental organisation of its kidn to work with all professions and disciplines for the conservation and protection of cultural heritage places. ICOMOS is a worldwide network of experts from all fields involved in cultural heritage conservation.

photo: ©ICOMOS