Appel à contributions - Menaces pour l'identité : perte des traditions et de la mémoire collective

Date limite reportée au 30 avril

À l'occasion de l'Assemblée générale et du Comité consultatif 2015 à Fukuoka (Japon), le Comité consultatif organise un symposium scientifique le 29 octobre 2015. Dans le cycle « Risques tangibles, opportunités intangibles : Préparation aux risques à long terme et réponses aux menaces qui pèsent sur le patrimoine culturel », le thème de ce troisième volet est : « Menaces pour l’identité : perte des traditions et de la mémoire collective ». 

Téléchargez l'appel à contributions en anglais et français

Les résumés proposés doivent être envoyés au plus tard le 30 avril 2015 à admin[à]

Cinquantenaire de l'ICOMOS – Logo pour vos événements

En 2015, ICOMOS fêtera ses 50 ans. Tous les comités et les membres sont invités à organiser des événements afin de rendre ce jubilé mémorable ! 

logo-ICOMOS-50th-ICOMOSgreenAccréditation des événements et logo
Le Secrétariat international a créé un logo offciciel pour le cinquantenaire de l'ICOMOS, qui doit être utilisé pour tous les événements accrédités afin de garantir une identité visuelle cohérente aux célébrations qui auront lieu dans le monde entier. Les Comités nationaux peuvent adapter le logo et y inclure le nom de leur pays ou de leur comité.

Merci de consulter les principes de demande de patronage d'événements (document Word) afin de vous assurer que votre événement est officiellement accrédité par l'ICOMOS et que vous avez la permission d'utiliser le logo. Les membres doivent également entrer en contact avec leur Comité national ou scientifique international avant de soumettre un événement pour accréditation au Secrétariat international.

Site officiel et agenda des événements
Le Secretariat  international tiendra une page Internet dédiée au jubilé, comprenant l'agenda de tous les événements programmés. Une fois que votre événement aura officiellement été accrédité par l'ICOMOS, merci d'écrire à secretariat[at] en utilisant le modèle ci-dessous (en phrases courtes pour une présentation globale concise) afin que nous puissions faire la publicité de votre événement :


Titre de votre événement

Qui ? Organisateurs
Quoi ? Présentation succincte de l'événement
Quand ?
Où ? Pays, ville, adresse
Contact officiel
Site Internet officiel
Pièces jointes : Poster / brochure



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Toutes les tierces parties qui souhaitent utiliser le nom et le logo de l’ICOMOS (logo nom, logo pégase, logo du 50e anniversaire) doivent obtenir l'autorisation préalable du Secrétariat international de l'ICOMOS. 


Join ISC / Rejoindre un CSI

(for the time being, available only in English - Pour l'instant, disponible uniquement en anglais)
(Below is an extract from Eger-Xi’an Principles for The International [Scientific] Committees of ICOMOS, July 2008)

A. General principles

1. The various membership categories in the ISCs shall be open to all members of ICOMOS, within the provisions stated below. It is the intention of ICOMOS that its ISCs continually gather a membership that will include the most recognized experts in its field of specialization, be representative of all of the world regions or pertinent regions, and recruit young or beginning professionals seeking such specialization; and that all be given ample opportunities and stimulus to become actively engaged in the work of the Committee. A structure of membership is recommended, as follows.

2. All members of the ISCs shall be familiar with the Statement of Ethical Commitment* first adopted by ICOMOS in Madrid in 2002, and abide by it at all times. Failure to behave accordingly may result in dismissal.

3. All ISCs are to adopt criteria for minimum participation for all members, as well as grounds to exclude inactive members.

4. The categories of members for the ISCs will consist of the following, each with specific rights and responsibilities.

B. Expert Members

1. There are no numerical limits to the number of Expert Members in an ISC. Any member of ICOMOS with proven or established expertise in the relevant field may be an Expert Member of the Committee. It is up to each ISC to adopt minimum criteria and a transparent and well-understood methodology to assess and verify the individual competence and expertise of applicants as well as to terminate the membership of a given Expert Member. All Expert Members must be ICOMOS members and may remain members so long as they are ICOMOS members and meet the ISC criteria for participation.

2. Experts Members may be nominated by their National Committee, be self-nominated, or directly invited by the ISC. Nominations may be accepted at any time. 3 Expert Members shall have the right to participate in any aspect of the work of the committee. 4. Voting at elections of the ISC bureaux as well as on amending the ISC’s statutes will be done by Expert Members designated by the National Committee, restricted to one per state. In the event that the ISC considers the designated member to be unsatisfactory, it can appeal before the SC which will make a recommendation to the Executive Committee re that designation. All other issues and decisions shall be voted on by all Expert Members, without limitation.

C. Associate Members

1. Members of ICOMOS who wish to gain knowledge and build up an expertise in a given field through active volunteer work may apply to be an Associate Member of an ISC.

2. The ISC will select Associate Members from among the applicants. The ISCs will strive to incorporate Associate Members in their work.

3. Associate Members are conditionally accepted for a period of three years, after which time their contribution to the Committee will be evaluated using a transparent and well-understood methodology to assess their contributions to the Committee. The Associate Membership shall be: a) Extended for another similar period of time, with a maximum of three such triennial extensions, or b) Upgraded to Expert Member, or c) Rejected on the basis of no participation or unsatisfactory performance.

4. When appropriate, an ISC may ask a National Committee to designate one or more Associate Members to help build up the particular expertise in countries where such a need exists.

5. Associate Members are accorded no voting rights. -

D. Non-ICOMOS Members

Non-ICOMOS Members who can make an important contribution to the ISC may be invited to participate in committee meetings and activities and will be encouraged to apply for ICOMOS membership. Non-ICOMOS Members are accorded no voting rights. No person should be a voting member unless he/she is in good standing of ICOMOS (or the other organization where there is a joint committee e.g. ICOMOS/IFLA).

E. Institutional Members

When in the interest of ICOMOS and of an ISC, and at the ISC’s discretion, the optional category of Institutional Membership may be established as follows:

1. Institutional Members shall be institutions, academic programs, government agencies, or any other juridical entity whose work and mission are closely aligned to those of the ISC.

2. Acceptance of an Institutional Member shall be through ballots from Expert Members.

3. Institutional Memberships will be valid for one triennium, and may be renewed indefinitely for additional three-year periods.

4. An Institutional Member may designate from its staff one person with the required qualifications to be its representative and spokesperson in the Committee. The Committee may accept that individual as an Expert Member. 5. Institutional Members are accorded no voting rights. However, if the Institutional Member has a representative accepted as an Expert Member of the Committee, that Expert Member shall have the same voting rights as any other Expert Member.

F. Honorary Members

Honorary Members may be proposed for election by Expert Members of the Committee. Honorary Members may participate in all activities of the Committee. Honorary Members area accorded no voting rights. Honorary Members may use the title of: “Honorary Member, ICOMOS ***** Committee.”


* The Statement of Ethical Commitment has been replaced in 2014 by the Ethical Principles during the 18th General Assembly (Florence, Italy) 

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