ICOMOS e-News n° 90: New publication "Heritage, a driver of development: Rising to the challenge"

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e-News n°90

10 décembre 2024

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Outcomes of the ICOMOS 17th General Assembly Scientific Symposium

New publication "Heritage, a driver of development: Rising to the challenge"

ICOMOS is pleased to announce the release of the publication resulting from the International Scientific Symposium held on the occasion of the 2011 ICOMOS General Assembly organized by ICOMOS France in Paris. 

This, fully bilingual, printed volume provides a summary of the issues discussed during the Scientific Symposium “Heritage, driver of development” held at UNESCO, and follows on from the electronic Symposium Proceedings published in 2012 on the ICOMOS and ICOMOS France websites, which are also included as a CD-ROM in the new printed publication. 

This publication is intended as a tool in approaching the issue of heritage acting as a driver of development, through the four sub-themes chosen for the International Symposium: heritage and regional development, development and the return to the art of building, tourism and development, the economics of development.

It identifies the key questions raised by the development issue in all its aspects in the heritage context, and suggests the means needed to move forward. This is the meaning of the title “Rising to the challenge”. It also highlights “The Paris Declaration, on heritage as a driver of development”, doctrinal text voted on the occasion of the 17th General Assembly. 

The publication of this volume was made possible thanks to the support of the l’Institut national du patrimoine. 

We thank you for helping us in spreading the news of this new publication among your colleagues and partner organisations, so that the reflection on this inexhaustible theme can continue to be enriched.

Further information on the dedicated website for the book 

Further information on the activities of ICOMOS France

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