ICOMOS e-News n°97: Extended deadline - Call for papers - Heritage and Landscape as Human Values

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e-News n°97

10 décembre 2024

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18th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium,
Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2014


Call for papers: “Heritage and Landscape as Human Values”

Extended deadline : 10 February 2014

Dear ICOMOS Members,

ICOMOS Italy has received over 600 abstracts in response to the call for papers for the Symposium “Heritage and Landscape as Human Values” which will take place in Florence, Italy, on the occasion of the 18th ICOMOS General Assembly, from 10 to 14 November 2014.

Following the request of several authors, an extension of the deadline for submitting abstracts until 10 February 2014 included has been decided. There will be no further extensions. The Symposium is open to both ICOMOS members and non-members.

ICOMOS thanks ICOMOS Italy and their academic partners, the Scientific Committee for the Symposium made up of Italian and international ICOMOS members, and the ICOMOS UK and ICOMOS France volunteer translators for the intensive participatory working method that was employed to ensure a call for papers of the highest quality. 

We hope many of you will attend what promises to be an interesting conference. The special 18th General Assembly website with practical information on how to register, hotels etc. will be made available shortly and announced via the ICOMOS e-News. 

Download the call for papers
Deadline for abstracts: 31 January 2014 (Extended deadline: 10 February 2014)

The call for papers is also available on the home page of the ICOMOS website


 For further information:


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