Forum des universités de l'ICOMOS - Volume 1 - "Une provocation contemporaine: les reconstructions comme outils d'avenir"

Les articles de cette première collection proviennent de l'atelier international Visuel volume1 UF rezizeddu Forum de l'Université ICOMOS "Une provocation contemporaine: les reconstructions comme outils d'avenir" qui s'est tenu du 13 au 15 mars 2017 au siège international de l'ICOMOS à Paris, en France. La réunion a constitué un projet pilote du nouveau Forum universitaire de l'ICOMOS pour stimuler le dialogue entre les universitaires et les experts du patrimoine. 

About the workshop (in english) 

Comité éditorial : Pr Cornelius Holtorf, Pr Loughlin Kealy, Pr Toshiyuki Kono



Aljawabra, Alkindi (2018) Heritage, Conflict and Reconstructions: From Reconstructing Monuments to Reconstructing Societies. ICOMOS University Forum, 1 . pp. 1-18. ISSN 2616-6968 (Unpublished)

Benson, Ciaran (2018) Authenticity’ for the Visited or for the Visitors? ‘Collective Memory’, ‘Collective Imagination’ and a View from the Future. Reconstruction: an ICOMOS Integrating e-journal . p. 1-11.

Bezerra, Marcia (2018) When the ruins are gone: the sensible dimension of the heritage reconstructions ICOMOS University Forum . p. 1-12. ISSN 2616-6968

Crișan, Rodica (2018) Uses and Abuses of Reconstruction. Reconstruction: an ICOMOS Integrating e-journal, 1 . p. 1-19.

Garcia-Esparza, Juan (2018) Clarifying dynamic authenticity in cultural heritage. A look at vernacular built environments. ICOMOS University Forum, 1 . p. 1-12. ISSN 2616-6968

Garraffoni, Renata Senna (2018) Heritage and multivocal history: Can past inspire new futures? Reconstruction: an ICOMOS Integrating e-journal, 1 . p. 1-13.

Holtorf, Cornelius (2018) Conservation and heritage as future-making. Reconstruction: an ICOMOS Integrating e-journal . p. 1-13.

Khalaf, Roha W. (2018) An extended viewpoint on reconstruction in the World Heritage context: towards new guidance. Reconstruction: an ICOMOS Integrating e-journal, 1 . p. 1-17.

Munawar, Nour A. (2018) Rebuilding Aleppo: Public Engagement in Post-Conflict Reconstruction. Reconstruction: an ICOMOS Integrating e-journal, 1 . p. 1-18.

Okahashi1, Junko (2018) Identification of “exceptional circumstances” where reconstruction of cultural heritage is accepted. Reconstruction: an ICOMOS Integrating e-journal, 1 . p. 19-28.

Piazzoni, Maria Francesca (2018) In Support of Stylistic Reconstructions: Some Thoughts on Authenticity and Justice. Reconstruction: an ICOMOS Integrating e-journal . p. 1-14.

Sulfaro, Nino (2018) Reconstruction And Conservation In The Post-Truth Era. Historical Lies, Authenticity, Material Evidence. Reconstruction: an ICOMOS Integrating e-journal . p. 1-11.

Soufan, Anas (2018) Post-war Reconstruction, Authenticity and Development of Cultural Heritage in Syria. ICOMOS University Forum, 1 . p. 1-18. ISSN 2616-6968.

Une provocation contemporaine: les reconstructions comme outils d'avenir. Articles - Forum des universités de l'ICOMOS, Paris 13 au 15 mars 2017

Visuel volume1 UF rezized

Cet atelier a été organisé par l'ICOMOS et rendu possible grâce au soutien de Kyushu University, Japon. Les membres du groupe de travail ayant préparé l'atelier et cette publication sont : The Cornelius Holtorf (Linnaeus University, Sweden), Loughlin Kealy (University College Dublin, Ireland), Toshiyuki Kono (ICOMOS/ Kyushu University, Japon) and Marie-Laure Lavenir (ICOMOS, France). Nous sommes très reconnaissants de l'aide que nous ont apportée Maureen Pelletier, Gaia Jungeblodt et Lucile Smirnov au Secrétariat International de l'ICOMOS.

Articles - Forum des universités de l'ICOMOS - Volume 1

Articles académiques complets publiés dans le International Journal of Cultural Property 26 (2), 2020 


À propos de l'atelier des 13-15 mars 2017

[anglais seulement]

Reconstruction of inheritance results from heritage processes associated with post-war or post-catastrophe recovery and societal reconstruction. Reconstructions are new and the result of changes to the pre-existing heritage. It can be argued that, in addition to their being a form of witness, they are also themselves valuable as heritage to the extent that they possess pastness and contribute to societal future-making. In addition, recent research suggests that heritage values are not inherent in the tangible fabric of heritage but derive from its intangible perceptions and uses in society. Finally, it can be argued that reconstructions, whether creative or faithful, enhance the societal benefits of heritage, for example by providing communities with a common purpose and promoting joint values of peaceful cohabitation.

The 2014 Nara+20 document (2014) recognises that “cultural heritage undergoes a continuous process of evolution” and that any assessments of heritage values need to “accommodate changes over time in perceptions and attitudes”. The document also acknowledges that “the concept of cultural heritage itself assumes diverse forms and processes”. It also recommends further work “on methodologies for assessing this broader spectrum of cultural forms and processes, and the dynamic interrelationship between tangible and intangible heritage”. In this context, debates on authenticity and reconstruction should be revisited.

These issues were discussed during the workshop in accordance with the following themes to contribute to refining ICOMOS thinking in the process of developing new policy regarding reconstructions in post-traumatic situations and beyond.


Theme 1: From Nara to Nara+20: where is authenticity now?

Authenticity has long been the normative framework for discussions about reconstruction.  Thirty years after the Venice Charter, the Nara Document recognized the cultural dimension of development. Since then the interrelationship between heritage and society obtained practical significance and intensified in many ways. Today, authenticity is back on the agenda and turns out to be a complex topic of different definitions and perspectives brought to bear on a variety of contemporary reconstructions of the past. This is the context where we should approach authenticity today to ask ourselves “where are we now”?

Theme 2: Creating heritage – making futures?

It has long been held that the legacy of the past needs to be conserved for the benefit of future generations, as well as for our own. In conserving what we received we have created “heritage”. In this theme, we ask about the positive contributions that such heritage can make to the lives of future generations, in the light of the impacts of historical, cultural and natural changes and transformations. How will what we now accept as heritage improve specific futures? Is there a role for reconstructions?

Theme 3: Conservation as management

Conservation has long been considered as the management of change. A primary change has been in understanding the scope of the legacy. In parallel, the range of stakeholders has extended beyond the traditional conservation disciplines and authorities to encompass disparate social groups and communities, participants in identifying and valorising aspects of the legacy, including its potential reconstructions. We ask what consequences for reconstruction flow from this process of change, from the shift in the social roles, powers and capacities that are brought to bear, including the implications for understanding, resource allocation and knowledge and cultural development.

The Workshop was run as an intensive, exploratory experience in which the participants [MOU2] engage in open discussion in a multi-disciplinary environment. The participants were selected on the basis of extended abstract submitted in advance. During the workshop the participants were assigned one of the three themes and actively contributed to the discussion within their group. However, for one session the participants all changed into another theme. There were also plenary sessions. A summary of the workshop was published by Tim Winter (2017).

Each paper included in the present volume was originally accepted by one of the participants as an abstract but finalised after the workshop, reviewed, resubmitted and eventually accepted for publication. In order to be selected the papers were to be not only relevant to the overall theme and intentions of the workshop but also explicitly informed by the discussions that took place during the workshop.


NARA + 20, 2014. On heritage practices, cultural values, and the concept of authenticity. Adopted by the participants at the Meeting on the 20th Anniversary of the Nara Document on Authenticity, held at Nara, Japan, from 22-24 October 2014, at the invitation of the Agency for Cultural Affairs (Government of Japan), Nara Prefecture and Nara City.  

Winter, T. 2017. ICOMOS University Forum Workshop on Authenticity and Reconstructions, Paris, 13-15 March 2017. Post Workshop Summary.

Forum des universités de l'ICOMOS

IMAGE University Forum FRECe forum de l'ICOMOS vise à rassembler des universités et d'autres institutions culturelles d'affinité indépendantes des Comités nationaux de l'ICOMOS. L'objectif principal était d'initier un forum opérationnel flexible dans lequel la coopération mondiale entre les universités et l'ICOMOS puisse rapidement mener à l'identification de questions urgentes, puis à l'incubation et au développement de solutions créatives.

Au fur et à mesure que les questions clés seront étudiées, le Forum des Universités de l'ICOMOS mettra en ligne ses résultats sous la forme de volumes thématiques.
Editeur : ICOMOS International
11 rue du Séminaire de Conflans
94220 Charenton-le-Pont

Directeur de la publication : Pr Toshiyuki Kono
ISSN : 2616-6968


Une provocation contemporaine: les reconstructions comme outils d'avenir. Articles - Forum des universités de l'ICOMOS, Paris 13 au 15 mars 2017

Vers l'avenir : Penser et planifier l'avenir dans la gestion du patrimoine, Amsterdam, 11-14 juin 2019 

Domaines de connaissances pour l'éducation au patrimoine, en ligne, 3-4 juin 2022 

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