ICOMOS European Conference: "Authenticity and Monitoring". Cesky Krumlov, October 17-22, 1995


257 pages

Out of Stock / Epuisé / Agotado


1. Presentation -Remerciements -Acknowledgements

2. Message: President Vaclav HAVEL

3. Welcome addresses -Expos?s d'inauguration

4. Programme


Rapport de synth?se
Synthesis report
Presentations -Communications :

a) R. Silva ( Sri Lanka )
b) M. Petzet ( Allemagne / Germany )
c) J.L. Luxen ( Belgique / Belgium )
d) A. Gomez-Ferrera Bayo ( Espagne / Spain)
e) T. Krestev ( Bulgarie / Bulgaria )
f) Ch. Schmuckle-Mollard ( France )
g) D. Libal ( R?publique Tch?que / Czech Republic )
h) A. Rom?n ( Hongrie / Hungary)
i) I. Maroevic ( Croatie / Croatia )
j) R. Chitham ( Royaume-Uni / United Kingdom )
k) A. Arnoth ( Hongrie / Hungary)
I) A.M. Ylimaula ( Finlande / Finland )
rn) J. Glemza ( Lithuanie / Lithuania )
n) D. Fowler ( Royaume-Uni / United Kingdom)
o) J. Campos (portugal)
p) K. Matouskov? ( R?publique Tch?que / Czech Republic )
q) J. Markevicien? ( Lithuanie / Lithuania )
r) A. Gilibert ( Italie / Italy)
s) P. Waldhaeusl ( Autriche / Austria )
t) A.T. Yavuz ( Turquie / Turkey )
u) M. Kairamo ( Finlande / Finland )
v) N. Ilhan ( Turquie / Turkey )
Synthesis report
Rapport de synth?se ,
Communications -Presentations :

a) J.L. Luxen ( Belgique / Belgium )
b) H. Plachter ( Allemagne / Germany )
c) J. Jokkilehto ( ICCROM )

7. Invitation à l' Assemblée Générale de Sofia

8. Participants

Seminar on 20th century heritage / Séminaire sur le patrimoine du XXème siècle

 Helsinki 18-19 -VI-1995


110 pages

Out of Stock / Epuisé / Agotado


I. Presentation -Mr Jean-Louis LUXEN -

II. Outline programme

III. Position paper -Mr Jean-Louis LUXEN -Mme Fran?oise DESCAMPS -

IV. Conclusions
-Conclusions of the ICOMOS Seminar on 20th -century Heritage, in cooperation with UNESCO (WHC) and ICCROM
"Principles for the conservation and enhancement of the architectural heritage of the twentieth century" -
"appendix to Recommandation n?R(91)13"(Council of Europe)
French text

V. List of participants

VI. Presentations by
-Mr. Andrea BRUNO -Director Centre for Preservacion -Leuven
-Mr. Xavier COSTA -DOCOMOMO Iberico
-Ms. Regina DURIGHELLO -Assistant World Heritage coordination ICOMOS
-Ms. Natalia DUSHKINA -The Moscow Institute of Architecture
-Sir Bernard FEILDEN
-Mr. Ove HIDEMARK -University Professor
-Ms Nobuko INABA -Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japan
-Mr Thomas JESTER-Tecnical Assistance Division, National Parks Services USA
-Ms. Maija KAIRAMO -Architect
-Mme. Marieke KUIPERS -DOCOMOMO Nederland
-Ms. Riitta NIKULA -University of Helsinki
-Mr. Andrew SAINT -English Heritage
-Ms. Kaija SANTAHOLMA -Chief Architect
-Ms. Galia SAOUMA-FORERO -Senior programme specialist, UNESCO
-Mr. Timo TUOMI -Art Historian, Director of Research
-Ms. Laura TUOMINEN -Consultant researcher, Art Historian
-Mr. Luis LAPIDUS (t) .Former member of ICOMOS Executive Committee, CUBA -Mr. Francois LOYER -Professeur d'Histoire de l'Art, Université de Strasbourg

SJ Raymond Lemaire : ICOMOS, un regard en arrière, un coup d'oeil en avant




195 pages

20 Euros

Textes rassemblés par Marie-Jeanne GEERTS, choisis et commentés par Jean BARTHELEMY


Robert COLLIGNON, Ministre-Président du Gouvernement wallon, chargé du Patrimoine
Robert COLLIGNON, Minister-President of The Walloon Government
Ministro Presidente del Gobierno Vàlon
Dr. Roland SILVA, Président de I'ICOMOS
Dr. Roland SILVA, President, ICOMOS
Dr. Roland SILVA, Presidente de ICOMOS

Jean BARTHELEMY: Vice-Président de la Commission Royale,
Professeur à la Faculté polytechnique de Mons, Membre correspondant de l'Académie Royale de Belgique
Jean BARTHELEMY: Vice-President of the Royal Commission,
Professor at the polytechnic Faculty of Mons, Corresponding member of the Royal Academy of Belgium
Jean BARTHELEMY: Vice-Presidente de la Comision real,
Profesor de la Facultad Politecnica de Mons, Miembro correspondiente de la Real Academia de Bélgica

SUMMARY Premises to the Charter of Venice
RESUMEN Primicias de la Carta de Venecia

Les origines de l'ICOMOS aux cotes de Pietro Gazzola
SUMMARY The origins of ICOMOS with Pietro Gazzola
RESUMEN Los orígenes de ICOMOS junto a Pietro Gazzola

La renovation des villes historiques
SUMMARY The renovation of historic cities
RESUMEN La renovación de las ciudades históricas

La restauration et l'affectation nouvelle de l'infirmerie du Grand Beguinage à Louvain
SUMMARY The restoration and new use of the Grand Beguinague infirmary in Louvain
RESUMEN La restauración y la nueva afectación de la enfermería del Grand Beguinage de Lovaina

La signification du patrimoine des monuments et des sites historiques pour l'homme d'aujourd'hui
SUMMARY How significant are heritage, monuments and historic sites for the man of today?
RESUMEN El significado del patrimonio, de los monumentos y de los sitios históricos para el hombre de nuestros días?

Pour une politique globale de la conservation du patrimoine architectural: Principes generaux
SUMMARY Towards a global policy of protection of the architectural heritage: General principles
RESUMEN Hacia una política global de conservación del patrimonio arquitectónico: Principios generales

Bruges, une ville d'Europe
SUMMARY Bruges, an european city
RESUMEN Brujas, una ciudad de Europa

Concevoir une ville nouvelle...
SUMMARY Conceiving a new town...
RESUMEN Concebir una ciudad nueva...

L'avenir des sites et du patrimoine architectural a l'epoque de l'automobile
SUMMARY The future of sites and architectural heritage in the age of the automobile
RESUMEN El porvenir de los sitios y del patrimonio arquitectónico en la época del automóvil

L'urbanisme, l'architecture et le developpement social et culturel
SUMMARY Town-Planning, architecture and social and cultural development
RESUMEN Urbanismo, arquitectura y desarrollo social y cultural

La dimension economique du patrimoine monumental
SUMMARY The economic dimension of monument heritage
RESUMEN La dimensión económica del patrimonio monumental

Quelle doctrine de sauvegarde pour demain?
SUMMARY Which protection doctrine for tomorrow?
RESUMEN ¿Cuál debe ser la doctrina de la salvaguarda para el día de mañana?

La formation professionnelle dans la conservation du patrimoine monumental
SUMMARY Professional training in monument heritage conservation
RESUMEN La formación profesional en la conservación del patrimonio monumental

L'ingenieur et la sauvegarde du patrimoine monumental
SUMMARY The engineer and the protection of monument heritage
RESUMEN El ingeniero y la salvaguarda del patrimonio monumental

Authenticite et patrimoine monumental
SUMMARY Authenticity and monument heritage
RESUMEN Autenticidad y patrimonio monumental

Faut-il revoir la Charte de Venise?
SUMMARY Should there be a review of the Venice Charter?
RESUMEN Hace falta revisar la Carta de Venecia?

SJ New Life for Old Cities / La renaissance des villes anciennes




96 pages

15 €


Roland Silva

- The World Heritage Convention -a Moral Obligation toFuture Generations - Ernest Allen Connally
- The Basiliça of St. Francis of Assisi after the Earthquake of 26 September 1997. - Giorgio Croci
- Les ravages du façadisme à Paris / The ravages of façadism - Christiane Schmückle -Mollard
- Vieux quartiers, vie nouvelle -les quartiers anciens comme patrimoine social. Quelles implications et quelles priorités d'action ?
- Old quarters, New Life -the old quarters as social heritage.Implications and priorities - Nancy Bouche
- "The Historic Centre in Today's City", Rabai Conference, November 1997
- Cas de Meknès au Maroc - Najib Benyahia
- The Historic Cities of the Middle East and Challenges of Urban Growth - Saleh Lamei
- Une stratégie urbanistique pour la sauvegarde et l'usage du patrimoine - Le Cas de Sofia (Bulgarie )
- A planning strategy for the preservation and use of the heritage - the case of Sofia (Bulgaria). - Todor Krestev
- Abhayagiri Stupa of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka - Brick Conservation. - T.G. Kulatunga and Lalith Muthukumarana
- TL Dating of Brick Monuments - Sri Lankan Perspective. - Mohan Abeyratne
- L'Architecture des Jésuites en France
- The architecture of the Jesuits in France - Christiane Schmückle -Mollard
- Heritage Conservation for the Next Millennium : - Updating Conservation Philosophy and Practice in Australia ICOMOS Burra Charter. - Sandy Blair, Marilyn Truscott, David Young

SJ Africa / Afrique



131 pages

Available / disponible
15 €


Roland Silva

ICOMOS Regional Meeting
- The ICOMOS Regional Meeting - D. Munjeri
- What is ICOMOS? - Roland Silva
- Opening Remarks - John. H. Dahl
- The ScientificProgramme - Jean Louis Luxen (Carole Alexandre)
- The Question of Authenticity and its Application to Cultural Heritage in Africa - Webber Ndoro
- Preservation of Rock Art -Botswana Case: a Non-Biased Approach - Tjako Mpulumbusi
- Rock Art -Case for a Regional Approach - Janette Deacon
- Earthen Architecture Project : TheCase for Zimbabwe - Ivan Murambiwa
- African Cultural Heritage - Mohaman Haman
- ICOMOS Regional Meeting: Recommendations -30 October 1995, Harare
- Country Positions

Rehabilitation and Conservation
- Plan de projet réhabilitation et conservation de l'architecture de Djenné (Mali):
Le patrimoine architectural
Proposition de project
Quelque dates. Histoire de recherches. Postface

Strategic Planning - Zimbabwe
- The Strategic Planning Workshop Report.
- The National Museums and Monuments Act 1972 and the Management of Cultural Heritage - J.S. Muringaniza
- Rock Art in Zimbabwe - George Tafirenyika Mrenge
- Conservation of Rock Art in Zimbabwe. - Lorraine M. Swan
- Traditional Village in Zimbabwe. - Munyaradzi Manyanga
- Potential for Cultural Tourism in Zimbabwe. - Tafirenyika Masona
- Tourism Policy in Zimbabwe or the Lack of it - Tafirenyika Masona

International Cooperation
- Heritage Resource Management in Zimbabwe. A Proposal - Concerning InstitutionaI Cooperation between - Zimbabwe-SriLanka-Norway
- Project Management Mission to Sri Lanka.

Zimbabwe -Sri Lanka -Norway Cooperation Programme

SJ Ethics, Principles and Methodology / Ethique, principes et méthodologie




131 pages

20 Euros


Roland Silva

- Towards the Sustainable City - Sherban Cantacuzino
- Biodiversity, Culture and Endangered Species - Ulpiano. T. Bezeira Meneses

Philosophy, Doctrine, Principles
- Sur la modernité de la conservation des monuments - Yves Belmont
- De la Charte de Venise à celle des villes historiques - Jean Barthélémy
- The Problems of Authenticity and Identity as reflected by the Preservation of Archaeological Monuments - Julius Gy. Hajnóczi
- L'Authenticité architecturale dans la remise en état de la grande tour de 1 'Hôtel de Ville de Bruxelles - Hubert Fernand Joway
- Building Preservation Standards: can they be made to be independent of interpretive and / or aesthetic criteria - Kate Burns Ottavino

- The Evolution of Synagogue Space in Central and Eastern Europe from the 11th to the 19th Century - Rudolf Klein
- L'Architecture des années 1920 en France: villas et ateliers d'artistes - Christiane Schmükle -Mollard

Restoration, conservation, rehabilitation, reuse
- Diocletion's Palace in Split: rehabilitation and re-use through the centuries - Tomislav Marasovic
- SOS Bahia - Maria Beltrão
- Le jardin du Château Royal de Varsovie: son passé et son futur - Magorzala Szafranska
- Conservation of "Little Netherlands" in Semarang - Eko Budihardjo
- Sâo Paulo -memory and oblivion- Suzanne Cruz Sampaio
- Renaissance de l'Hotel de Vaux, Le Mans - ChristianeSchmükle -Mollard

- Methodological Studies on Inventorying the Cultural Heritage within Cultural Landscapes - Hans Peter Jeschke
- Inspection, Recording, Monitoring (procedures for inspection and assessment for fixed timber pilings in a marine environment) - Scott Cunliffe
- Small Format Aerial and Close-range Recording of Archaeological and Historic Sites and Buildings - Francisco Usúa Cocke

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