International Seminar on Rock Art and World Heritage in Sub-Saharan Africa

African rock art online unit ICOMOS Heritage

The Department of European and International Affairs and the Directorate  General of Heritage of the French Ministry of Culture are organizing an international seminar on Rock Art and World Heritage in Sub-Saharan Africa on 31 March 2020 at the National Heritage Institute in Paris.

The objective of the seminar will be to present the challenges and issues of research, conservation, protection and sustainable management of sites that can arise from this type of property. This seminar will be an opportunity to share good practices on these issues, through concrete cases of sub-Saharan African properties already inscribed on the World Heritage List or on the Tentative Lists. 

Registration for the seminar is free but compulsory within the limit of available places. You can send your request to Caroline Gaultier-Kurhan, Officer for African Museums and Heritage at the French Ministry of Culture:

See also

 Picto GO TO link Free online classes on African rock art