On the crisis of the pandemic COVID-19 - Response from the ICOMOS "Our Common Dignity" WG

RBA WadiRumAt this time of unprecedented challenge caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the ICOMOS Our Common Dignity Initiative – Rights Based Approaches Working Group, expresses its solidarity with the cultural heritage communities around the world.

We wish to draw attention to the fragile heritage communities and urge authorities and citizens to ensure that these communities receive the support they need, that they are empowered in maintaining and developing their livelihoods with dignity and that the measures taken in resolving the pandemic respect their dignity and human rights.

Committed to the ideas of sustainability, cultural heritage values and human rights, we support and encourage collaboration and empathy in dealing with the crisis.

We wish to highlight the resilience and creativity embedded in the culture and heritage of local societies and how this knowledge and these values gives all of society hope for the future.

download You can download here the Reflections of the OCDI-RBA Working Group on how the covid-19 pandemic is affecting cultural heritage sites and communities across the globe.

The "Our Common Dignity" Initiative - Right-based Approaches Working Group
31 March 2020

See also

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ICOMOS work on Human rights

Photo © Tarek Abulhawa