Human Rights and COVID-19 | Contribution to United Nations reports

UNCHRlogoNumerous human rights mechanisms have already raised their voices to warn about the impact of the pandemic on human rights and to provide guidance about the human rights issues to keep in mind when taking measures to counter it.

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has given international organisations, including ICOMOS, the opportunity to share reflections on protecting human rights during and after COVID-19.

Several Special Procedure mandate holders will focus their forthcoming thematic reports to the United Nations Human Rights Council or the General Assembly on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the enjoyment of human rights.

In order to facilitate responding to questions by Special Procedures, a joint questionnaire has been developed. The questionnaire is meant to assist the human rights experts to obtain information and elaborate comprehensive recommendations on the measures taken by national, federal and local governments to protect their population and ensure the enjoyment of human rights, including particular groups at risk of discrimination or social exclusion.

Read the response by ICOMOS, prepared through the coordination of our ICOMOS Rights Based Approaches Working Group, to the questionnaire.

See also:

Picto doigt ICOMOS's response to a call for inputs for a report on “Cultural Rights and Climate Change” to be presented at the UN General Assembly in October 2020

Picto doigt Our Common Dignity Initiative – Rights Based Approaches


Photo Credit: © OHCHR