How to measure Baukultur – Save the Date !

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Please save the 4th and 5th November 2019 for our international conference on “How to measure Baukultur” in Geneva, Switzerland.

In January 2018 the European Ministers of Culture adopted the Davos Declaration calling for a high-quality Baukultur to improve the well-being of all. To understand how we can improve the built environment, the Swiss Federal Office of Culture (FOC), the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), the International Union of Architects (UIA), and the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA) will hold a conference on “How to measure Baukultur”.

But how exactly do we define high-quality Baukultur? How can it be achieved? How can Baukultur be assessed and judged? These are the questions the conference aims to address.
The conference is intended to serve as an international high-level event linking areas of expertise that are not directly associated with Baukultur stakeholders.
It will take place on the 4th and 5th November 2019 at the Pavillon Sicli in Geneva.

For further information visit
To get the programme of theses two days : Conference structure 

The conference programme and registration information will be available from August 2019.