Loans and services


Documents are not available for loan. They can only be consulted at the Documentation Centre.


→  Photocopy

Visitors can copy (for their private use only) journal articles and book chapters, if their state of conservation allows it.

ICOMOS members can order photocopies of documents held at the library:

    - without limitation if they are in the public domain (typically 70 years after the death of the authors).

    - with the following limitations if they are under copyright:
        * for books: up to 10% of the number of pages of the book.
        * for periodicals: up to 20% of the editorial content of the publication.

These limitations follow our contrat with the Centre français d'exploitation du droit de copie (CFC), the French organisation that collectively manages copyright for books and the press on behalf of authors and publishers.

This service is for ICOMOS members only.  Photocopies are free but posting charges will be paid by the applicant, according to weight, destination and specific requests (air mail etc.)

Contact: documentation[at]


Sale of publications

All the available ICOMOS publications and those of some ICOMOS Committees are for sale at the Documentation Centre.
Pre-payment is required by cheque in euros (France only), PayPal, credit card or bank transfer. 
Postage will be charged according to the weight, distance and specific requests (air mail, etc).

ICOMOS Bookshop