Monuments&Sites III - The polychromy of antique sculptures and the Terracotta Army of the FIrst Chinese Emperor

 m-and-s3Eng. - Chi.

Edited by
Wu Yongqi, Zhang Tinghao, Michael Petzet,
Erwin Emmerling and Catharina Blänsdorf.


183 pages

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- Preface

- Michael Petzet, Introduction

- Yuan Zhongyi, The costume colours of Qin Terracotta Warriors

- Erwin Emmerling, Aims and results of the Chinese-German Project for the preservation of the Terracotta Army

- Zhang Zhijun, Review of the Conservation of the polychromy of the Terracotta Army

- Zhou TieNew developments in the conservation of the polychromy of the Terracotta Army

- Christoph Herm, Methods in organic archaeometry and their application to the Terracotta Army

- Ingo Rogner, New methods to characterise and to consolidate the polychrome Qi-Lacquer of the Terracotta Army

- Cristina Thieme, Paint layers and pigments on the Terracotta Army: a comparison with other cultures of antiquity

- Cheng Derun and Guo Baofa, The polychromy of the Bronze chariots from the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang

- Hans van Ess, Symbolism and meaning of colours in early Chinese sources

- Jiang Caipin, Painting technique in Ancient China

- Petra Rösch, Colour schemes on wooden Guanyin sculptures of the 11th to 13th centuries, with special reference to the Amsterdam Guanyin and its Cut Gold-foil Application on a polychrome ground

- Sylvie Colinart and Sandrine Pagès-Camagna, Egyptian polychromy: pigments of the "Pharaonic Palette"

- Detlef Knipping, Le Jupiter olympien and the rediscovery of polychromy in antique sculpture: Quatremère de Quincy between empirical research and aesthetic ideals

- Vinzenz Brinkmann and Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann, Polychromy on greek scupture: the archer on the West-pediment of the Aphaia Temple, Aegina

- Lin Chunmei, The Dyeing of textiles in the warring states time

- Gao Hanyu and Kim Yinglan, Techniques to protect textile and embroidery relics

- Gao Hanyu, The Dye colours and culture on clothing in Early Qin

- Zhao Feng, The five colours polychrome silks with cloud pattern from Han Dynasty to Wei period

- Birgitt Borkopp, Late antique and early medieval textiles and costume and their representations in varios media

- Qiao Shiguang, Qi-Lacquer - Techniques and art

- Hans-Georg Wiedemann and Heinz Berke, Chemical and physical investigations of Egyptian and Chinese blue and purple

- Shang Zongyan, Zhang Jizu and Li Rujuan, The Chinese Lacquer Tree and its use

- Li Zuixiong, coloured clay sculptures and their protection at Mo Kao Grotto at Dunhuang

- Lu Shoulin, The polychrome works in the Palace Museum and their preservation

- Authors